
Configuring Git

  • Settings

    • Name
    • Email
    • Default Editor
    • Line Ending
  • Levels

    • System: All users
    • Global: All repositories of the current user
    • Local: The current repository
$ git config --global user.name "hackcraker"
$ git config --global user.email mgyuchen@163.com
$ git config --global core.editor vim
# 用于多平台协作
$ git config --global core.autocrlf input

Creating Snapshots

Initializing a repository

  • git init

Staging files

  • Stages a single file: git add file1.js
  • Stages multiple files: git add file1.js file2.js
  • Stages with a pattern: git add *.js
  • Stages the current directory and all its content: git add .

Viewing the status

  • Full status: git status
  • Short status: git status -s

Committing the staged files

  • Commits with a one-line message: git commit -m "Message"
  • Opens the default editor to type a long message: git commit

Skipping the staging area

  • 只对modified的文件有效,对untracked的文件还是需要git add 只要加入staging area的文件,git才会去track git commit -am "Message"

Removing files

  • Removes from working directory and staging area: git rm file1.js
  • Removes from staging area only: git rm --cached file1.js

Renaming or moving files

  • 移动文件或者重命名文件时只需要一条命令就搞定 git mv file1.js file1.txt

Ignoring files

  • 在repo的根目录创建一个.gitignore的文件,在里面标注不想被git追踪的文件 这样在改动相关文件时git并不会显示有内容改动

    但这个只对git从未跟踪的文件上生效,否则还是会显示有内容改动 可以通过git ls-files查看跟踪的文件

    Show information about files in the index and the working tree

    为了解决这个问题,只需将相关文件从staging area删除,而不需从disk上真正的删除

    git rm --cached file1.js

Short status

  • 更简洁的查看文件状态 git status -s


    左边是staging area 右边是working directory

    • 右M:本地有修改
    • 左M:本地有修改并提交到了暂存区
    • ??:新加的文件
    • 左A:新加的文件并提交到了暂存区

Viewing the staged/unstaged changes

  • Shows unstaged changes git diff
  • Shows staged changes git diff --staged
  • Same as the above git diff --cached


含义:@@ -start line, count +start line, count @@

Branching & Merging

Managing branches

  • Creates a new branch called bugfix git branch bugfix
  • Switches to the bugfix branch git checkout bugfix
  • Same as the above git switch bugfix
  • Creates and switches git switch -C bugfix
  • Rename branch git branch -m bugfix bugfix/signup
  • Deletes the bugfix branch git branch -d bugfix

Comparing branches

  • Lists the commits in the bugfix branch not in master git log master..bugfix

  • Shows the summary of changes git diff master..bugfix 如果当前已经在master分支,可省略master.. git diff bugfix

    增加一些可选项 git diff --name-only bugfix git diff --name-status bugfix


  • Creates a new stash git stash push -m "New stash" 默认不会stash untracked的file,需要加参数-a git stash push -am "New stash"

  • Lists all the stashes git stash list

  • Shows the given stash git stash show stash@{1} shortcut for stash@{1} git stash show 1

  • Applies the given stash to the working dir git stash apply 1

  • Deletes the given stash git stash drop 1

  • Deletes all the stashes git stash clear



  • centralized:每个人都有push权限
  • integration-manager:
    • maintainer拥有push权限:pull fork repo → merge → push
    • contributor:fork → clone → commit & push to fork repo → pull request

Cloning a repository

  • clone and rename: git clone url newName

    git clone https://github.com/hackcraker/Mars.git MarsProject

  • 在git log中查看到的信息 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) origin指的是什么呢

    origin is an alias on your system for a particular remote repository. It’s not actually a property of that repository.

    远端仓库在本地的名字是origin orgin/master: a remote tracking branch

  • check remote repositories git remote

    git remote -v

Syncing with remotes

  • Fetches master from origin git fetch origin master

  • Fetches all objects from origin git fetch origin

  • Shortcut for “git fetch origin” 将远程内容拉取到本地,但HEAD并没有改变 git fetch git branch -vv 同步HEAD指针 git merge origin/main

  • Fetch + merge

    有可能会导致commit记录非线性 git pull


    1. 回滚到上次提交git reset --hard HEAD~1
    2. ``git pull –rebase`
  • Fetch + rebase 不产生新的节点,提交树一直向前 git pull --rebase

  • Pushes master to origin git push origin master

  • Shortcut for “git push origin master” git push

Sharing tags

  • Pushes tag v1.0 to origin git push origin v1.0
  • Delete tag v1.0 from origin git push origin --delete v1.0
  • 本地删除tag v1.0 git tag -d v1.0

Sharing branches

  • Shows remote tracking branches git branch -r
  • Shows local & remote tracking branches git branch -vv
  • Pushes bugfix to origin git push -u origin bugfix
  • Removes bugfix from origin git push -d origin bugfix
  • Removes bugfix from local git branch -d bugfix


  • 配置公私钥 配好后本地通过ssh协议传输就不需要输入账号密码了 如果已经有repo的remote配置为HTTPS协议,需要更改相关地址如下: git remote set-url origin git@github.com:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git

  • 配置gpg key

  • 配置ssh代理

    Host github.com
    HostName github.com
    User git
    # 走 HTTP 代理
    ProxyCommand socat - PROXY:,proxyport=7890
    # 走 socks5 代理(如 Shadowsocks )
    # ProxyCommand nc -v -x %h %p
  • Commit Message Format

  • Unfork a repository

  • Configure Git to use a proxy

    git config --global http.proxy ''
    git config --global https.proxy ''
  • github action



本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。